Showing 1426 - 1450 of 1,683 Results
Ancestry of Albert Gallatin, Born Geneva, Switzerland, January 29, 1761; Died New York, Augu... by Bacon, William Plumb, Willi... ISBN: 9781376139587 List Price: $12.95
The First Delineation of the New World and the First use of the Name America on a Printed ma... by Stevens, Henry Newton, Henr... ISBN: 9781376162813 List Price: $13.95
Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology by Stevens, Henry ISBN: 9781975889067 List Price: $13.49
An Account of the Proceedings at the Dinner Given by Mr. George Peabody to the Americans Con... by Stevens, Henry, Henry Stevens ISBN: 9780649513628 List Price: $10.41
Recollections of Mr. James Lenox of New York and the Formation of His Library by Stevens, Henry, Henry Stevens ISBN: 9780649687619 List Price: $12.80
Contemporary French Phenomenology : Levinas to Henry by De Lay, Steven ISBN: 9781138244962
The Magazine of American History With Notes and Queries; Volume 7 by Johnston, Henry Phelps, Hen... ISBN: 9781375476522 List Price: $19.52
Recollections of Mr. James Lenox of New York and the formation of his library by Stevens, Henry, Henry Stevens ISBN: 9780649157464 List Price: $12.76
Poetry and Rhymed Jottings by Stevens, Henry, Henry Stevens ISBN: 9780649295302 List Price: $9.99
A Cry Out of the Dark: Three Plays: The Meddler, Bolo and Babette, The Madhouse by Stevens, Henry Bailey, Henr... ISBN: 9780649366309 List Price: $9.99
Wallace Stevens Case by Henry, Jamarion ISBN: 9781548850678 List Price: $45.77
AmericAn Poetic MAteriAlism from WhitmAn to Stevens by Henry, Jamarion ISBN: 9781548869588 List Price: $39.12
Bounce Back (Henry Stevens MD Medical Thrillers) by Birger Johnson ISBN: 9781790806997 List Price: $8.99
The Nighthawk Protocols (Henry Stevens mysteries) by Birger Johnson ISBN: 9781981082322 List Price: $8.99
A Text-Book of Euclid's Elements for the Use of Schools, Part 2 by Henry Sinclair Hall, Euclid... ISBN: 9780342032556 List Price: $29.95
A Text-Book of Euclid's Elements for the Use of Schools, Part 2 by Henry Sinclair Hall, Euclid... ISBN: 9780342032549 List Price: $19.95
The Battle Near Lake George in 1755, a Prospective Plan with an Explanation Thereof by Samue... by Henry Newton Stevens, Samue... ISBN: 9780342978199 List Price: $19.95
Ptolemy's Geography: A Brief Account of All the Printed Editions Down to 1730, with Notes on... by Henry Newton Stevens, Edwar... ISBN: 9780342987153 List Price: $21.95
The First Delineation of the New World and the First Use of the Name America on a Printed Ma... by Henry Newton Stevens ISBN: 9780343207335 List Price: $13.95
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